Endorsements :
"A substantial contribution
of voices thoughtfully questioning the applicability of prevailing Western
leadership models to our time. In a world beset by wicked challenges from the
pandemic to authoritarianism to climate change, the chapters look at adaptive
leadership’s ability to address our planet in peril." Laurien
Alexandre, PhD, Dean, Graduate School of Leadership &
Change, Antioch University, USA
"This volume is a welcome
addition to the literature on adaptive leadership. Its application to the
complexity of today’s leadership challenges and extended theoretical framing
will be useful to scholar practitioners here at Drexel and around the
globe." Penny L. Hammrich, PhD,
Dean of the School of Education, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA
"A curious and at times
controversial series of essays which build on Heifetz’s original work on
adaptive leadership, weaving it into work on resilience and aspects of
complexity science. It provides a valuable resource for scholars and thinking
practitioners in the field of leadership under conditions of uncertainty." Dave
Snowden, Director Cynefin Centre, CSO Cognitive Edge
"In an era characterized by
political divide and unprecedented challenge this book applies social-emotional
skills such as compassion and resilience to adaptive leadership practices,
offering essential strategies for all leaders, especially those charged with
the academic, social, and emotional development of this generation." Sheldon
Berman, Retired Superintendent, CASEL 2020 Award
Recipient, Excellence in Social-Emotional Research and Practice
"Heifetz warned us in the
90s that things were getting complicated, that leadership needed to be
adaptive. This new volume edited by Raei and Rasmussen provides great insight
into the practices of adaptive leadership--skills every education leader needs
to help communities face complex challenges." Tom
Vander Ark, Getting Smart
Adaptive Leadership in a Global Economy is itself an exercise in adaptive work. The contributors help us make meaning of inspiring global case studies while proposing complementary approaches that can help practitioners transform organizational culture, catalyze systems change, advance racial justice and address a host of other critical adaptive challenges facing our world today. Marc Ross Manashil, Adjunct Assistant Professor, NYU Silver School of Social Work